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Mediterranean Breakfast Egg Muffins

(Total Time: 40 min | Serves 1)

  • Cooking oil spray
  • Eggs – 3
  • Skimmed milk – 2 tablespoons
  • Grated parmesan cheese – 4 tablespoons
  • Red pepper finely chopped – ¼
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Grated cheddar cheese – 25g
  • Leek finely chopped – 35g
  • Baby spinach finely chopped – 25g 
  1. Get the oven preheated to 1900C. Spray silicon muffin tin with the cooking spray.
  1. Whisk eggs, Parmesan cheese and milk together in a pouring jug and then season.
  1. Mix all of the finely chopped vegetables into a bowl and then portion into 6 muffin cups.
  1. Pour the egg mixture over each of the muffin cups and then mix with the chopped vegetables. 
  1. Divide grated cheddar cheese and use to top each of the muffin cups.
  1. Place in the oven and bake in the center of the oven for about 20 minutes or until the egg is set.
Nutrition Information:

Calories per serving: 308; Carbohydrates: 9g; Protein: 24g; Fat: 19g; Sugar: 4g; Sodium: 0mg; Fiber: 1g


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